Chakra Crystal Stones
A set of 7 chakra stones known to balance and harmonise the chakras
Cleansed and charged with reiki energy, provided in an Amber Moon bag with mini cards to show the placements of the crystals ✨️
The perfect way to enhance balancing of the chakras and keeping peace with your soul ✨️
Stones supplied -
Amethyst - Crown Chakra
Blue Quartz - Third Eye
Sodalite - Throat
Rose Quartz - Heart
Yellow Jasper - Solar Plexus
Orange Calcite - Sacral
Black Obsidian - Root
Note - Each stone is different, sizes or colours will vary.
A set of 7 chakra stones known to balance and harmonise the chakras
Cleansed and charged with reiki energy, provided in an Amber Moon bag with mini cards to show the placements of the crystals ✨️
The perfect way to enhance balancing of the chakras and keeping peace with your soul ✨️
Stones supplied -
Amethyst - Crown Chakra
Blue Quartz - Third Eye
Sodalite - Throat
Rose Quartz - Heart
Yellow Jasper - Solar Plexus
Orange Calcite - Sacral
Black Obsidian - Root
Note - Each stone is different, sizes or colours will vary.
A set of 7 chakra stones known to balance and harmonise the chakras
Cleansed and charged with reiki energy, provided in an Amber Moon bag with mini cards to show the placements of the crystals ✨️
The perfect way to enhance balancing of the chakras and keeping peace with your soul ✨️
Stones supplied -
Amethyst - Crown Chakra
Blue Quartz - Third Eye
Sodalite - Throat
Rose Quartz - Heart
Yellow Jasper - Solar Plexus
Orange Calcite - Sacral
Black Obsidian - Root
Note - Each stone is different, sizes or colours will vary.
The set includes -
Crown – Amethyst
Tranquil and loaded with spiritual vibes this stone washes away all shades of stress and anxiety. The crown chakra facilitates spiritual enlightenment, divine inspiration, and the realisation of one's desires. When one has a clear intention of those desires we become receptive to guidance and can establish a connection with our Higher Self, thereby nurturing inner wisdom and spiritual essence.
Placement in home - in your meditation space
placement on body - top of the head
Third Eye -Blue Quartz
A stone of peace that brings a calmness to difficult or challenging situations. Eliminates tough energy blockages and cleanses the aura. A good organisational stone that brings self-discipline and connection with higher realms. Awakens one's Third Eye Chakra to enhance their consciousness and potential.
Placement in home - in a room where you relax or feel most at peace
Placement on body - forehead
Throat - Sodalite
Harmonising energy emanates from this stone. With its more active energy, it inspires creativity and helps you find your voice. Invoking that wisdom to support your communication, it grants you the power to fill in the gaps and to fill the sounds with meaning, magic, and melody. As a stone of balance, it helps you stay in alignment with your truest self by tapping into those powerful instincts and striking a balance between head and heart.
Placement in home - where most communication happens in your home maybe the kitchen or living area
Placement on body - throat
Heart – Rose Quartz
The beauty and love of this chakra paint your life with all its wonders. Rose quartz is the gate of pure light that aligns all energy in your body and uplift, heals and transforms you. A blocked or unbalanced heart chakra can bring detachment to the world, the disconnect between yourself and the universe can lead to negative effects in your relationships and career. Boost your aura with this stone by cleansing and recharging all chakras of good energy, the ultimate stone for self love.
Placement in home - the heart of your home – Ie your kitchen or bedroom the place that means the most to you
Placement on body - heart
Solar Plexus - Yellow Jasper
Symbolises courage and self-confidence. Protects against negativity and can help recognise your responsibility. A stone of balance that helps to disengage from conflict and helps to inspire creative ideas and action. Provides focus, clarity and clears mental fog. Heals emotional trauma and reduces stress, anxieties and resentment, helps keep the soul grounded and at peace.
Placement in home - in bathroom or near water
Placement on body - navel area.
Sacral – Orange Calcite
Clears and energises working quickly and powerfully and quickly to dispel any negative or blocked energies from your aura, leaving you feeling lighter and more optimistic about everything. Boosts creativity enabling you to solve problems more quickly and find joy in your own creative pastimes. It will increase the flow of positive energies in your body so that the negative energies will be dispelled. It will also do the same with the space you inhabit, the things you use, and the people you spend time with. This stone will help you do away with old patterns, behaviours, and ways of thinking.
Placement in home - near a computer or where you create
Placement on body - pelvic area
Root - Black Obsidian
A glorious stone for power, protection, and grounding. Keeping you tethered to the here and now instilling a sense of strength and inner confidence, whilst holding negative energies at bay and gives you the courage to face your inner truths. Helps you trust your instincts enabling your root chakra feels stronger and you feel more stable and equipped to deal with life, dissolving old traumas and guides you towards higher living all while keeping those roots deep.
Placement in home - in the bedroom for grounding, or by the front door for protection
Placement on body - feet